Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Summer Time Fun

I don't know what it is with my girls....about the only time they will spend outside is in the pool. Yes, I know we have warmer weather than some, but they just never seem to want to go outside and play. I thought for sure once they watched the movie Bridge to Terabithia they would get out in the 4 1/2 acres we have (a good bit of it woods) and have adventures....wrong! Well, we're taking them camping in a few weeks and OMG they'll need to spend a WHOLE weekend OUTSIDE!! LOL.

I do have to give them some credit, they do spends quite a few months outside during softball and soccer season. I just remember we HAD to be outside from sun up to sundown, but we also enjoyed that. I guess it's just one of those things that have changed from our childhood.

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