Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Super Size Me Lord!!

So, we serve a SUPER GOD or what? I think, at least I do, that yes, God is super and that he has very BIG plans for each and every single one of us! So, why do we choose to not answear his calling? Why do we as christians refuse to be the christians we say we are in church and yet go behind each others backs and talk about every one. I've notice people in the church who will look down or think bad of a very wealthy person in the church... why is this? Is it because we don't have such thing and we expect them to give more because of the way they are blessed? WHAT? Key word is blessed! The people in the church who are blessed are blessed by GOD because they follow and obey. They're not talking about other christians! They are also blessed because they know how to ask in their prayer life! Did you know that the Jewish people are some of the most blessed and wealthy people on the earh? This is true? Why do you think this is? Well, their faith is based on thinking BIG and asking GOD their FATHER for BIG blessings. Are we not that way as kids with our own dads? We always wanted that cell phone, that bike, new car? Then why do we not ask GOD for big things? Are we afraid that he will not answear our prayers? Guess what? God knows what your thinking and what you'er going to ask before you even do... so, whats keeping you from speaking to him and asking him for BIG blessings? God wants to supersize you in every single way... so, go ahead and ASK BIG! God will provide according to your faith. Remember when McDonalds used to supersize your meals? (lol as if the Big Mac wasn't big had to get it supersize! Well, God wants the same thing for you. He's asking, " Child of mine, do you want me to supersize your life?" and what are we going to say? We really need to say YES GOD... SUPERSIZE ME!

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